该片在2021年5月的科罗拉多大学电影节上获得了最佳女主角奖、观众选择奖和最佳女配角提名;入围2021年美国“Gofobo Fast Forward Film Festival (Gofobo快进)”电影节;2021年8月新加坡世界电影嘉年华杰出成就奖;2021年9月土耳其仙女座电影节评委会特别奖;2021年11月土耳其金小麦奖最佳剧情片;2021年11月印度克里姆森·霍里松国际电影节非凡成就奖。
2021年夏天,王雅颂花了长达一个月的时间,沿着美国历史上的“驿马快递”路线执导了一部长篇纪录片“Pony Express”(《驿马快递》)。她带领科罗拉多大学的5名同学乘坐两辆吉普车,沿着从密苏里州圣约瑟夫到加利福尼亚州旧金山的1900英里“驿马快递”路线一边行驶一边拍摄,包括在500英里长的沙漠无人区中奋战了5天。他们克服了40摄氏度的高温,期间还有其中的一辆吉普车在无人区抛锚,甚至还受到野牛袭击,然而,她表示,最大的挑战是如何通过适当的地点和角度选择以及准确生动的叙述,让“驿马快递”的历史鲜活起来。她正在和她的团队一起对该纪录片进行后期制作,并希望在今年晚些时候完成。
作为国际电影共同体(International Cinema Community,简称ICC)的会员,王雅颂被选为ICC国际电影节的评委。
Award-winning Chinese Young Filmmaker Enters Hollywood
A new film and TV production company called “Yasong Studios” was recently founded in Hollywood. The founder is Ms. Yasong Wang, a 24-year-old young filmmaker from Beijing. She graduated with a degree of Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in film production from School of Cinema, San Francisco State University in California. Before that, she graduated cum laude with a BFA degree in Film & TV Production from College of Arts & Media, University of Colorado in May 2021.
In recent years,some Chinese filmmakers emerged in international film industry although it is always a challenge for mainland Chinese filmmakers to make films in English due to language and cultural barrier. Yasong is one of those who break the barrier and has won a number of international film awards.
The film titled “Daydreamer” directed by her reflects the social reality of the US. Cassandra Anne (Cass), an 18-year-old girl, wants to attend an art school in New York. However, her terminally ill mother complains that New York is too expensive and advises her to choose a lower cost state university. Soon after her mother died of illness, Cass suffers hardship and has to work in the library to make a living. She finds some other young people are also poor. She is mocked by her friend. This makes her feel the social reality and the coldness of the world. She even wants to die. However, after reflection, she realizes that she should face the reality and decides to apply for an affordable school.
The film won awards for the best actress, audience choice and nomination for best supporting actress at the Cinefest of University of Colorado in May 2021; finalist at the Gofobo Fast Forward Film Festival (GFF) in the US in 2021; Outstanding Achievement Award, World Film Carnival – Singapore in August 2021; Jury Special Award, Andromeda Film Festival in Turkey in September 2021; Best Drama, Golden Wheat Awards of Turkey in November 2021; and Phenomenal Attainment Award, Krimson Horyzon International Film Festival of India in November 2021.
Another film titled “My Choice” written, directed and edited by her during graduate studies tells about the love story of a paralyzed young lady. It won the Best Student Director, Canadian Cinematography Awards and Best Emerging Filmmaker, International Motion Picture Awards in Canada in 2023; the Best Student Cinematographer, LACA Los Angeles Cinematography Awards and NYCA New York Cinematography Awards in December 2022, as well as European Cinematography Awards in January 2023.
Yasong is currently working on two films which are in the final stage of post production. The film titled “Engage” co-written, directed and co-edited by her tells a story about an ambitious young actress with dreams of stardom suffers from horrifying visions after her mediocre boyfriend proposes marriage. Rose suffers from marriage phobia after her boyfriend, Joe, an ordinary looking young man who is neither talented nor wealthy, proposes to her. However, she feels more gloomy about her future outside of marriage due to repeated failures looking for the right job. She eventually settles for the marriage proposal with the horror of living an ordinary life with a mediocre man although she anguishes over the decision.
According to Yasong, this film is based on a real story of her friend who was reluctant to accept the marriage proposal of her boyfriend who is an ordinary young man. She suffered from marriage phobia due to worry about “marriage is the tomb of love” and fear for living an ordinary life with an ordinary man. However, she eventually settled for the marriage proposal because she felt more gloomy about her future outside of marriage due to failures in exhausting job hunting. The story reflects typical realism in marriage which has significant social implications. The purpose of the film is to show how an ambitious young lady is dragged down by a man who is satisfied with mediocrity, and warn young people to be careful about the impacts of their love life and marriage on their careers.
Yasong directed a feature-length documentary on the Pony Express for one month in the summer of 2021. She led a crew of 5 schoolmates of University of Colorado in two jeeps, driving and filming along the 1900-mile Pony Express route from St. Joseph, Missouri to San Francisco, California, including struggling in the 500-mile no-man’s land desert for 5 days. They overcame the high temperature of 40 degrees Celsius, the breaking down of one jeep on a no-man’s land, and even bison attacks. However, she said that the biggest challenge was how to bring the history of the Pony Express alive through appropriate selection of sites and angles as well as accurate and vivid narration. She is working with her team on the post production and hope to finish it later this year.
As a member of the International Cinema Community (ICC), Yasong was selected as a juror of the international film festivals of ICC.